
Advanced Strategic Management of Organizations


The British Academy for Training and Development offers a training course in Advanced Strategic Management of Organizations, and how to achieve organizational success with the continuous achievement of resources and profits, according to the modern approaches in strategic Management.

Strategic Management enables organizations to perform their activities ideally. Their main feature enables them to use more objective and logical entries in the strategic choice of the organization's work, as well as achieving an integrated understanding among the organization's elements to improve the processes and services provided to the beneficiary groups.

Objectives and target group

Objectives and target group

This course is provided for the following categories:

  • People who want to hone their analytical skills and enhance their leadership effectiveness.
  • Team leaders and supervisors who have strategic leadership responsibilities.
  • Team leaders and managers who hold senior strategic roles in their facilities.
  • Heads and managers of departments working in establishments with a cultural nature that encourages innovation in business development.
  • Middle and senior managers who want to refresh their level of thinking and enhance their level of confidence in using strategic management tools.


How participants will benefit from the course:

After completion of the Course program, trainees will be able to master the following:

  • Preparing and drafting the vision and mission texts necessary to formulate the strategy.
  • Conducting an analysis of stakeholders to enable management to meet diverse interests.
  • Linking leadership traits to developing strategy and culture.
  • Develop a systematic thinking mechanism for the facility.
  • Converting the strategy into an operational plan and business plan.

Course Content

  • Strategy development process
    • Why we develop strategy: changes and challenges in the twenty-first century
    • The psychological aspect of the decision-making process
    • Strategic thinking - who, how, when and why
    • Functions and capabilities of the strategic manager
    • Cultural and strategic choices
  • Strategic process
    • The impact of external changes: competitive situation, technology, systems and regulations
    • Innovation: Blue versus Red Ocean Strategies
    • Strategic hierarchy
    • Realizing the strategy: making it a reality
    • Identifying confusing competition and reacting to it
    • Competitive mode
  • Strategic management skills
    • Leadership styles and theories
    • Characteristics of a successful leader
    • Strategic skills: features and evidence indicating them
    • Creating visions, communication and frameworks
    • Aspects related to the facility and the team and their impact on strategy implementation
    • Leading others through the strategic process
  • Culture management
    • The importance of the organization’s culture
    • Aspects of culture: the cultural network
    • The role of leaders in establishing culture
    • Management in multicultural organizations
    • The impact of culture on strategy preparation
    • Challenges of mergers and acquisitions
  • Tactics and plans
    • Employing tactics to achieve goals
    • What type of plan?
    • Own the plan and implement it
    • Strategic implementation: budgeting, forecasting, and adjusting to match reality
    • Learning culture

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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