
Training Course in Strategies of Securing Industrial Facilities


The British Academy for Training and Development provides a training course in the strategies of securing the industrial facilities and the procedures that ensure facing its risks according to the approaches, the ways, and the global standards of the strategies of securing the industrial facilities.

 Securing the facilities varies according to the country-work of each one. As in order to establish a securing strategy of significance, it's necessary to focus on the risks to which it is exposed to have knowledge about the appropriate procedure for facing it. For example, the procedures of securing an oil facility differ from the procedures of securing a facility for building works. Yet in general, securing the facilities depends on several foundations and rules; some of them are fixed, and others are variable according to the requirements and the modern scientific developments. Therefore, planning for any operation must be preceded by an adequate time and must be examined. In addition, it's necessary to take into account all possibilities and rules, aiming at establishing safety and health that ensure the protection of the key production elements including the procedures being taken to prevent fires and the environmental, occupational, and psychological safety for the workers.

Objectives and target group

Target Audience of the Training Course in Strategies of Securing Industrial Facilities:

. The owners of the facilities and workshops.
The staff of the occupational safety department in the institutions.
. Workers' supervisors.

 How will the Participants benefit from attending the Training Course in Strategies of Securing Industrial Facilities?:

Recognizing the types of risks to which the facilities are exposed, and the appropriate procedure to protect from all of them.
. Recognizing the main data that is required to be available in establishing a strategy of securing the facility. For example, lists of workers' names and the health state of all of them. 
. Recognizing the nature of emergency plans being taken in the facility for facing the natural disasters that can threaten it.

Course Content

Scientific Content of the Course:

. The concept of important facilities.
. The nature of the risks that threaten the facility.
. Procedures of implementation of securing plans.
. Emergency plan.
. Fire risks.
. Evacuation procedures.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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£3900 £3900
