

The safety and security systems aim at protecting each of the facilities and properties of the company, its workers, and its staff from the accidents and harmful injuries resulting from working method or an error in the management and employment. And every company depends on its private safety and security systems, which shall consist of group of rules and basics that previously agreed upon by the companies' owners and its workers where both parties access before conducting the agreement.

Objectives and target group

Basics of Safety and Security Systems:

Although the safety and security systems differ from company to another, and the risks to which the workers are exposed in the company vary by the variety of the companies and institutions themselves, yet the whole institutions share common basic rules and outlines in the safety and security systems. And they can be summarized in the following points:

1- Courses of public health awareness and the prevention and safety methods. As the workers and staff are permanently acquainted with the protection and prevention methods, what he should follow, and what the company should secure. And this course includes the issuance of publications and pamphlets that contain the guidelines of the safety of each department of the company.

2- Securing the necessary requirements of the safety constitutes the first term of the safety and security systems of all companies alike. In addition to securing the necessary tools of protection such as helmets, protective suits, or safety glasses or others that shall be worn before the dangerous operations.
3- Securing the first aid for the expected risks in the company, and putting it in a place where all workers in the company have access to, and presenting simplified training courses on usage methods.

4- Regular training courses for the workers of the company for means and methods of acting in the cases of accidents such as organized evacuation or positioning in certain area.

5- Ascertaining the place of preserving and storing the flammable materials or the poisoned gasses, or any material affecting the workers and the staff, in a manner that takes into account the safety and security conditions in their repositories.

Course Content

Safety and security systems certainty in every company or institution is the control duty of the company in which collaboration is carried out with the team of public health to educate the workers of their right and duties, and being familiarized with the safety and security systems of their company.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3900 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3120 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2418 / Member

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