
Training Course in The Methods and Tools of Organizational Development and Its Role in Managing Competencies


The process of organizational development starts from three axes: people, work systems, equipment and work facilities. Therefore, the diagnostic study that aims at organizational development must identify these three axes to discover development opportunities, confront changes and bring about the required change. The first of these axes, of course, is the human being, and the discovery of development opportunities in this axis is linked to the other axes, but this does not keep the diagnosis of each axis separately and the diagnosis of the three axes combined and linked.
This course covers an introduction to organizational development, the strategic and operational impact of organizational development, the role of organizational development in managing, retaining and attracting talent, organizational development methods and tools, and measuring organizational development results.

Objectives and target group

Who should attend? 

  • HR specialists.
  • Employees in the organizational development departments of companies.
  • Individuals wishing to work in these positions.
  • Business owners wishing to initiate the process of organizational development for their companies.

How attendees will benefit? 

After completion of the course, delegates will be able to: 

  • Work with high efficiency in the field of organizational development for companies.
  • Applied experiences in the field of organizational development based on case studies, exercises and practical practice.
  • The impact of organizational development on strategic and operational processes.
  • The relationship of organizational development to attracting and maintaining competencies.
  • Methods, methods and tools for organizational development.
  • Measuring the outputs of the organizational development project.

Course Content

  • The concept of organizational development.
  • Objectives of organizational development.
  • The difference between organizational development and change management.
  • The relationship between organizational development and human resource management.
  • The strategic impact of organizational development.
  • Strategic analysis of the elements of the organization.
  • Re-design and development of the organization's strategy.
  • Building and designing/developing the organizational structure.
  • The operational impact of organizational development.
  • Designing the organizational guide, consolidating and maintaining competencies.
  • Analysis and design of jobs, and preparation of job description cards.
  • The role of organizational development in managing, maintaining and attracting competencies.
  • Job evaluation and pay structure design.
  • Strategic planning for training needs.
  • Compensation and reward systems.
  • Methods and tools of organizational development.
  • Factors choosing the optimal method for the organization.
  • Measuring organizational development results.
  • Balanced Scorecard.
  • Strategic maps.
  • Indicators and main results.
  • Performance evaluation indicators.
  • Analyze outputs and take corrective actions.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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£3800 £3800
