

Although the English language can be difficult and time consuming, we can see that it is also a very valuable learning and can create many opportunities. English language is the dominant language of work environment and becomes almost necessary for people to speak English to enter the global workforce, research shows from all over the world business contacts across the border in most cases in English, and therefore cannot be underestimated in the world market.

Learning English can really change your life. It is well known that the English language is based on simple alphabet and it is quite quick and easy to learn compared to other languages. English is not only useful; it is also provide you a lot of satisfaction and Significant. You will enjoy a lot in learning English, if you remember that every hour you spend in the learned would be the closest to perfection.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • All persons who possess the desire to learn English and want to start from scratch.
  • University students.
  • Postgraduate students.
  • Researchers.
  • Workers in all fields.

Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • To provide the highest possible quality in teaching English.
  • To understand the basics of the rules of the English language to move to advanced stages in education smoothly.
  • Help students better elaborating the phrases in the English language.
  • Learn the correct scientific articles in English.

Course Content

  • Introduction to English:
    • English alphabet and pronunciation.
    • Basic greetings and introductions.
    • Numbers and basic counting.
  • Grammar Essentials:
    • Nouns and pronouns: Introduction and usage.
    • Articles (a, an, the): When and how to use them.
    • Verbs and tenses: Present simple and present continuous.
    • Sentence structure: Building basic sentences.
    • Question formation: Yes/no and Wh-questions.
    • Making negative sentences in English.
    • The essential grammar rules.
    • How to use ‘there is’ and ‘there are’?
    • How to use the verb to be in English?
    • How to use the verb to have in English?
    • How to use exclamation in a sentence?
    • Question tags rules.
    • Adjective rules in English
    • Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing (Bored VS Boring).
    • Possessive Adjectives in English (my, your, his...).
    • How to use English Modal Verbs (can, could, will, would...)?
    • Possessive pronouns (mine, yours, their...).
    • Relative pronouns (which, who, that...).
    • Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, those...).
    • The Past Participle in English (played, been, enjoyed...).
    • How to use -ing verbs?
  • Vocabulary Building:
    • Common everyday words and phrases.
    • Colors, shapes, and sizes.
    • Family and relationships.
    • Food and drinks.
    • Weather and seasons.
    • Basic Punctuation in English.
  • Listening and Speaking:
    • Listening comprehension skills.
    • Following simple instructions.
    • Expressing likes and dislikes.
    • Role-playing: Basic dialogues for everyday situations.
    • Describing people and objects.
  • Reading and Writing:
    • Introduction to basic reading strategies.
    • Writing sentences and short paragraphs.
    • Forming basic questions in writing.
  • Practical Communication:
    • Making plans and appointments.
    • Giving and receiving directions.
    • At the restaurant: Ordering food and drinks.
    • Shopping vocabulary and phrases.
    • Understand familiar words and very basic phrases about yourself, your family and immediate surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly and repeats.
    • Understand familiar names, words, and very simple sentences.
    • Write a short and simple postcard, for example holiday postcards.
    • Fill in forms with personal details, for example entering your name, nationality, and address on a hotel registration form.
    • Sharing personal information: Hobbies and interests.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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