
Creativity and Innovation in Project Management


he British Academy for Training and Development offers a course of creativity and innovation in project management, as creativity is undoubtedly key to the success of institutions, individuals and projects, and some consider it an innate talent, while prevailing thinking describes it as a skill that any person or institution can develop and use if it finds the appropriate environment. The course provides the participant with everything necessary to build such an environment through the use of examples from the world of business, art, science and the practical application of tools such as brainstorming, mental maps, etc., and the participants in this training course will acquire some of the tools they need It is to transform their lives, environment and workplaces.

Objectives and target group

The target group attending the creativity and innovation course in project management:
  • Senior Executives.
  • Project and program managers.
  • Team and members of project management offices.
  • Project stakeholders.
  • Project quality officers
  • Interested in this field
How participants will benefit from the presence of creativity and innovation in project management:
Upon completion of the course program, the participants will have achieved the following benefit:
  • To apply the relevant creative thinking skills and methods in project management, work or personal situations
  • The participant will have the ability to assess their creativity and creativity
  • Create a pleasant work environment for creativity for oneself and others and ultimately in the interest of the project
  • Doing unconventional thinking through “thinking outside the box” using mental maps, mock memory, and more
  • Take strategic decisions related to the project in an innovative way.
  • Avoid obstacles to innovation and strategic thinking.

Course Content

  • Innovation and creative strategic thinking in the face of the challenges of the globalization era:
  • Study and analysis of global variables.
  • The scientific and practical concept of achieving excellence and its relationship to innovation and creative strategic thinking.
  • Requirements for achieving excellence through innovation and strategic thinking.
  • Practical case.
  • The impact of time on the innovation process creativity on a project:
  • Creative and innovative time.
  • An auxiliary climate for innovation and creativity.
  • Idea stimuli at any time.
  • Time idea triggers.
  • Time to persuade others of the idea.
  • Practical exercises and cases.
  • How does change affect the innovation and creativity process of project management?
  • The nature of change and innovation.
  • The process of change.
  • Planned change.
  • Organizational goals for change.
  • Is it a philosophy that I make true for the first time?
  • Distinguish between change and innovation.
  • The main trends of relationships between change and innovation.
  • The impact of change and innovation on the organization.
  • Resistance to change.
  • Creative thinking strategies in project management
  • Creativity tools
  • Scamper
  • Synectics
  • Photo memory and biotechnology
  • Mind maps
  • TRIZ
  • Make decision
  • Problem analysis
  • The three sections of creativity
  • Stimulus
  • Work experience in a specific field
  • Creative ability

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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