

Arbitration is similar to a judicial proceeding in that the arbitrator(s) take evidence, receive arguments, and issue a decision or award. Arbitration proceedings are generally less formal and not subject to the strict requirements of a court proceeding, and in many cases pleadings and evidence may be submitted in writing, thus avoiding actual appearances of witnesses and counsel. Arbitration may be binding or non-binding, depending on the agreement of the parties. If the arbitration is binding, the decision or award of the arbitrator(s) is enforceable as though it had been issued by a court of law. 

The course will give you significant professional benefit as a lawyer advising clients on international activity, or if you work in a related capacity in a government department or a multinational private company. 

Objectives and target group

  • Managers and Directors of Companies and Enterprises. 
  • Personnel in charge of Law Departments in business and commercial firms. 
  • Directors of Legal Departments and Legal Affairs in various companies and enterprises. 
  • Law Officers. 
  • Managers of companies and enterprises. 
  • Businessmen wishing to develop their legal skills. 
  • Employees in the field of legal Management. 
  • Students and graduates of faculties of law at various universities. 
  • Trainee lawyers. 


After completion of the programme, delegates will have know: 

  • How to provide legal opinions on legal matters and affairs referred to them. 
  • various types of cases and memoranda of legal nature. 
  • Characteristics and Concepts of Laws and Regulations. 
  • Types and Divisions of Laws, and the subjected persons under each law. 
  • Types and Classifications of legislation. 
  • Preparation and Drafting of Legal Memos and Statements. 
  • Formulation of Administrative Resolutions and Memoranda. 
  • Acquisition of advanced experience in writing and preparation of contracts. 
  • The ability to conclude contracts and write legal notes. 

Course Content

  • The Concepts of Legal Management. 
  • Legal Provisions: Definition, Interpretation, and Importance thereof. 
  • Origins of Legal Interpretation. 
  • Writing contract   specifications   and   procurement   processes   and analyzing the same. 
  • The legal importance of contractual specifications, and their relation to the process "Invitation to tender". 
  • The doubtful and deficient descriptive specifications. 
  • Different types of specifications and the related risks. 


  • The impact of language on the meanings of contractual articles and legal conditions. 
  • Applications and Examples in Writing Legal Memos. 
  • Skills and Methods of Lawsuit Legal Drafting for legal purposes. 
  • Stages and Mechanisms for preparation of Legal Advice. 
  • Extensive study of legal sciences. 
  • Contract preparation and conclusion skills. 
  • Negotiation and Dispute Resolution skills. 
  • Persuasion & Negotiation skills. 
  • Formulation of Documents, Memos, Statements, and Legal Memoranda of various types. 


Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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