
Pharmacies and drug Stores Management Course


Pharmacy management is important in the health sector, especially those pharmacies directly associated with hospitals or large pharmacies that have more than one branch, and government pharmacies, but in general all the work of the management of pharmacies, whether private or public are similar, but they differ in matters Sub-management including how to apply profitability strategies and increase the profitability of both the pharmacy or drug store, as well as the management of drug stores and hospital treatment warehouses In this course we will provide a brief definition of the objectives of the project to establish a pharmacy and manage it in terms of costs and revenues The occurrence and forms of risk that can arise when investing in business expansion.

The British Academy for Training and Development offers a course in the management of pharmacies and drug stores , to everyone who finds himself in need of a comprehensive, integrated and assistant qualification within his field of work in the management of pharmacies and drug stores.

Objectives and target group

  • Technical managers in public and private pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.
  • head of pharmacy
  • medicine warehouses and storekeeper.

After completion of the programme, delegates will be able to know:

  • Assess the overall level of progress in the pharmacy and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Methods of determining the average annual or monthly pharmacy expenses and setting them.
  • Knowledge of procedures related to the profession.
  • Objective and moral value of entering the labor market and the aim of the pharmacy project.
  • Methods and methods of assessing conditions and needs such as the needs of the pharmacist’s market
  • Discover the competitive advantages of your pharmacy.
  • Events and conditions that would threaten the business climate within the pharmacy or warehouse management.
  • Substantial differences between pharmacy management and warehouse management.
  • Obstacles to opening a drug store.
  • Technical inventory methods for monthly sales, inputs and outputs.
  • Practical steps in solving the problems of the management of pharmacies and drug stores.
  • Strategic objectives to increase the profitability of the pharmacy.

Course Content

  • Methods of administration of pharmacies and drug stores.
  • Typical elements of pharmacy management
  • The capital course in the pharmacy.
  • Health conditions for the establishment of the pharmacy.
  • Ethics and legislation to administer the pharmacy legally.
  • Basic stages in pharmacy management.
  • Monitor the stock of medicines.
  • Quality system in pharmacies.
  • Technological management of the pharmacy.
  • Drug discharge controls.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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