

The British Academy of Training and Development presents this course in (Sound Engineering) for all individuals interested in learning more skills about Sound Engineering Techniques and Recording of Acoustics, Filters and Sound Software used in the latest International Studios.

Sound is a success element of Television and Radio works of all kinds (TV Series, Songs, Shows, etc.). Therefore sound supplies life to Media works, the art of sound engineering has been developed over the past decades at an accelerated pace that made sound an essential factor in creation of all Media Content, in addition to the use of Sound Engineering to enhance and modify sound quality and hide any defects therein. Sound Engineering is widely and significantly used in Television products, through addition of sound effects and music for shows and TV programs.

Objectives and target group

Who Should Attend?

  • Directors and owners of TV stations.
  • Directors of TV Montage Departments within TV Stations.
  • All Sound Engineering professionals.
  • Producers for TV programs.
  • All professionals of TV Production.
  • All professionals of TV Editing.
  • All professionals in the field of (Decoration, Lighting Engineering, Sound Engineering) in TV stations.
  • All professionals in the field of Lighting for TV Locations.
  • All staff in production and presentation of Media Content and TV Shows.


Knowledge and Benefits:

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following:

  • The concept of sound engineering and the fields of work it includes.
  • Principles of digital audio engineering.
  • Steps and stages of audio production for recordings and programs.
  • Sound engineering in television works (series, songs).
  • Recent trends in developing the field of audio engineering globally.
  • Modern devices and tools used in audio engineering.
  • Advanced international approaches to the art of sound engineering, purification and filtering of audio recordings.

Course Content

  • What is audio engineering?
  • The importance and applications of sound engineering.
  • Understand the components of the audio production chain.
  • Recording types and basic audio settings.
  • The principles and basics necessary to learn audio engineering.
  • The development of sound engineering over time.
  • Advanced international curricula in the art of audio engineering.
  • Audio engineering techniques.
  • Re-record audio.
  • Sound design.
  • Sound engineering equipment.
  • Types of microphones and their uses.
  • Recording equipment, amplifiers and mixers.
  • Wireless audio technologies and other ancillary equipment.
  • Recording and mixing techniques.
  • Audio recording procedures and selecting appropriate locations.
  • Applications of additions and sound effects.
  • Sound system for concerts and live events.
  • Designing an audio system for theaters and cultural centers.
  • Microphone techniques.
  • Production and studio techniques.
  • Processing audio signals.
  • Live and direct sound.
  • Critical listening.
  • Filters and ad breaks.
  • Digital audio engineering.
  • Stages of audio production.
  • International Studios.
  • Modern audio programs used in the most prestigious international studios.
  • Control and regulate the level and quality of sound.
  • Maintenance and repair of audio equipment and devices.
  • How to avoid making annoying and unwanted sounds appear.
  • Skills in working with Pro Tools for audio editing.
  • Definition of sound, its specifications, speed, and unit of measurement.
  • The human ear, its structure, and the way it picks up sound vibrations.
  • Sound elements, how to deal with them, and the characteristics of each.
  • Sound engineering as an element of the success of television and radio works.
  • Digital audio engineering and its uses.
  • Analog and digital audio signals, the difference between them, and the recording method for each.
  • Various analog and digital recording devices.
  • Different media for recording.
  • Microphones, their types, characteristics and holders.
  • Supervising live broadcasts and performances.
  • Recording studios, methods of equipping them, and standard proportions.
  • Headphones, their types (portable and fixed) and methods of distribution.
  • Editing and mixing of sound using non-sequential computer recording devices.
  • Sound mixing for cinematic and television films - the difference between them.
  • Isolating and mixing different sounds (sound editing on non-sequential editing devices).
  • Advanced international curricula in the art of audio engineering.
  • Sound engineering work within television programmes.
  • Audio recording skills in the studio (songs, music).
  • Skills in working on (sound filters, equalizing sound, purifying and filtering sound).
  • The most important means of maintaining devices and equipment.
  • Skills in adding sound effects during programs, video clips, or audio recordings.
  • Practical exercises and applications.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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