
Course in Legal Rules For International Contracts in Oil


Course in legal rules for international contracts in oil provides the trainees with experience in oil industry and petroleum, legal rules for especial contracts in oil industry.

The course tackles legal rules for international contracts in oil. The second half of 2014 and 2015 have witnessed increase in crude oil in markets, so the oil prices went down to six-year lows.

In addition, this affected countries’ budgets that depend on oil as income source, such as Venezuela that seeks constantly to issue a resolution in order to reduce oil production globally, especially the members of OPEC who keep their market share instead of reducing supply to raise prices. For example, Saudi Arabia, the biggest oil protector, refused to reduce its oil production. So the trainees must recognize legal rules for international contracts in oil.  

Oil is liquid formed mainly from hydrocarbon, little sulfur ,oxygen and nitrogen collected in earth because of cracks and faults. It can be extracted by drilling oil wells. Oil is as a fluid shap-crude oil-,a semi hard one –asphalt veins , or a nutritious one -natural gases. Oil production fields vary such as mixed oil with natural gases and formed from natural gases with little crude oil or without ,such natural gas fields.

Navel environment has been important and serviced human since centuries. The importance of sea summarizes in  a climate balance . Seas and oceans has  specific heat ,so they absorb heat of solar energy and steam ,and then wind moves them as clouds pushing towards land and turn  into rains . Several scientific agencies and international organizations of navel environment define the meaning of navel pollution: means any human activity changes navel environment.

Oil, flammable liquid and called black gold ,is back  tending green ,found in first layer of   earth's crust and formed from a complicated mixing of hydrocarbon, especially alkanes . However, its shape , composition and purity strongly differs accordingly extraction place .oil is an important source of priority energy according to global energy statistics . The world uses it to produce electricity, operate factories and engines and move transportation. The biggest global oil consumer U.S consumes 80 million barrels daily. However ,the wrong extraction of it leads to a remark environmental and social  pollution ,as a result in  accidents and activities of producing and operating. So it is important to evaluate activity of oil projects.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Directors and owners.
  • Directors and heads of legal affairs departments and employees.
  • workers in petroleum facilities security.
  • Workers in the environmental control services.
  • Workers of work quality control in the oil facilities.
  • Directors and owners.
  • Directors of departments
  • Directors of the accounting department in oil companies.
  • Directors of the accounting department in gas companies.
  • Directors of the accounting department in public institutions for petrochemicals.
  • All workers in accounting sector of oil institutions and companies.
  • Oil Workers.
  • All workers in administrative departments.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Oil industry and its importance in revivalism countries.
  • Enough legal experience in private rules of international contracts in oil industry.
  • Environmental effects of oil leak and their overcoming methods.

Course Content

  • Oil form and its importance.
  • Legal rules in oil.
  • Oil and gas industry and its importance for communities.
  • Methods of oil and gas extracting.
  • Keeping oil production through preventing emergency conditions.
  • Listing and creating financial statements in work costs in oil buildings and petroleum extraction.
  • Developing accounting skills for costs of petroleum stocks in deposits.
  • Advanced skills of preparing and drafting costs for oil refineries.
  • Creative methods and solutions to decrease general cost for oil extraction and petroleum derivatives.
  • Causes of oil contamination.
  • Resources of oil leaks.
  • The potentials and foundations for the success of protection methods.
  • Examples of some accidents.
  • Establishing and developing the quality of the occupational health and safety management system.
  • Establishing and developing joint arrangements for occupational health and safety management.
  • Establishing and developing risk identification, assessment and control procedures.
  • Evaluate sources of information and data about the work environment in order to identify hazardous tasks and conditions.
  • Analyze the work environment for risk assessment.
  • International contracts in oil.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£4200 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3360 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2604 / Member

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