
A Training Course in The Management of Culture and Heritage in Cities and Municipalities


The British Academy for Training and Development provides a training course in the management of culture and heritage in cities and municipalities.

 Cultural heritage is the sum of large assets of great importance to the social and scientific life of peoples. It represents movable and immovable property such as architectural or artistic monuments. Historical or religious, archaeological sites or all artistic buildings, manuscripts, books and other objects of historical and artistic importance, as well as scientific collections and important collections of books and archives. Cultural target is also a nonـfinancial cultural property produced through social interactions, individual creations, the municipalities have an important role to play in the field of cultural heritage.

It is not also the municipality’s tasks to provide citizens with services such as sewage, water electricity, gardens and road paving, but also have an important role in the revival and development of cultural heritage in the cities and the preservation of the beauty of buildings.

Objectives and target group

The British Academy for Training and Development offers this course to the following categories:

  • Managers and the institutions of the state concerned with cultural matters.
  • Officials of the sections of the development of cultural heritage in cities.
  • All employees in the departments responsible for the management of culture.

After completing the program, participants will be able to master the following topics:

  • Management of culture in an optimal way.
  • The ability to revive cultural heritage.
  • Management of cities and municipalities and the revival of culture and development.

Course Content

  • The concept of culture management and its importance.
  • The cultural heritage in societies and its importance.
  • Managing cities and municipalities.
  • Methods of managing heritage sites.
  • National heritage institutions.
  • Cultural heritage consumers and local community.
  • Methods to properly interpret the heritage.
  • Creating an authentic experience for tourists.
  • Collaboration in shaping of area heritage tourism products, their supply and marketing.
  • Models for cultural heritage management.
  • UNESCO practices.
  • ANZECC model.
  • AHC model.
  • NWHF model.
  • Raise local municipalities competencies in heritage management.
  • Enhance participatory approach.
  • Raise awareness of need to include heritage in strategies and plans.
  • Develop and promote participatory heritage identification programs.
  • Support intergenerational and intercultural projects to promote heritage.
  • Facilitate and encourage (public and private) partnerships in cultural heritage promotion
    and conservation projects.
  • Support and promote the heritage sector as a means of creating jobs and business
  • Promote heritage skills and professionals.
  • Produce heritage impact studies for rehabilitation, construction, planning and
    infrastructure projects.
  •  Encourage the reuse of heritage and use of traditional knowledge and practice.
  • Ensure that heritage is considered in development, spatial planning, environmental and
    energy policies.
  • Consider heritage in sustainable tourism development policies.
  • Protect, restore, and enhance heritage, making greater use of new technologies.
  • Develop new management models to ensure that heritage benefits from the economic
    spinoffs that it generates.
  • Implement measures to encourage young people to practice heritage.
  • Encourage and support the development of networks.
  • K11. Explore heritage as a source of knowledge, inspiration, and creativity.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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