
Course for the establishment and monitoring of budget implementation and analysis of indicators


Budgets that are monitored and established for institutions, organizations and government departments are always the vital nerve of the institution and any imbalance in its establishment or implementation is a great risk to achieve the strategic and interim objectives. Therefore, the British Academy believes that training individuals and developing their skills in the establishment, implementation and follow-up of financial plans is very important to the success of the organization; ensure transparency and achievement of the objectives. We offer you the integrated program that will develop the skills of the participants in the establishment, development, implementation and control of budgets.

Objectives and target group

Target audience:

This program designed for people responsible for analyzing data and reading indicators, as well as persons entrusted with their tasks to monitor and implement budgets and control it. This program is also suitable for employees in both financial and supervisory management to implement and monitor budgets.

  • Provide the trainees the skill of preparing budgets by identifying the principles of estimating the basics of the budget from the revenues and expenses and the bases that govern the preparation and estimation, as well as acquiring the skill of budget classification in light of several bases for classification.
  • Provide the trainees with the skill to provide government budgets in the framework of modern technologies used in the countries of the developed world.
  • Equipped the trainees with the skills of budget analysis by employing several methods and models for analysis in order to provide monitoring and performance evaluation.
  • Provide the trainees with the skill of analyzing and assessing the eligibility and effectiveness of government budgets and how to rationalize spending and achieve efficiency and effectiveness of performance while reducing the budget deficit.

Course Content

Chapter one:

Nature of budgets:

  • The meaning and value of budgets.
  • Bases and procedures for preparing budgets.
  • General principles for the rehabilitation and use of budgets.
  • Budget preparation steps.
  • Principles of classification of budget elements.
  • Modern methods of preparing budgets.
  • Budget of programs and performance.
  • Budget of planning and programming.
  • Zero base budget.

Chapter Two:

Analysis and explanation of the components of government budgets:

  • Budget of the administrative apparatus of the State.
  • Budget of public bodies.
  • Budget of economic bodies.
  • Distribution of government budgets.
  • Continuous budget.
  • Investment budget.
  • Various practical situations on different types of government budgets.

Chapter Three:

The nature of the budget examination:

  • The meaning and nature of the examination.
  • The difference between examination and
  • Examination objectives.
  • Who examine the budgets and final accounts?
  • Types of examinations.
  • Steps to examine the budgets and final accounts.
  • The most important analysis factors involved in the examination of budgets and final accounts.
  • Various practical situations.

Chapter Four:

The benefit of the analytical examination and financial analysis in the analysis of budgets:

  • Analytical examination of the government budgets.
  • The nature of the process of analytical examination of government budgets.
  • Objectives and timing of analytical examination.
  • Arrangement for the analytical examination.
  • Extent of reliance on the analytical examination for the government budgets.
  • Financial analysis for the government budgets.
  • The meaning and importance of financial analysis.
  • Uses of financial analysis.
  • Methods of financial analysis of the government budgets.
  • Various practical situations.

Chapter Five:

Modern Methods in Budget Analysis (Workshop)

  • Measuring the effectiveness of the programs.
  • Measuring the efficiency of the programs.
  • Economic measurement.
  • Justice analysis.
  • Various practical situations.

Chapter Six:

Calculation of efficiency and effectiveness of government budgets:

  • Meaning of efficiency and effectiveness of government budgets.
  • Types of efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Efficiency and effectiveness assessment requirements.
  • Steps to assess efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Various practical situations.

Course Date





Course Cost

Note / Price varies according to the selected city

Members NO. : 1
£3800 / Member

Members NO. : 2 - 3
£3040 / Member

Members NO. : + 3
£2356 / Member

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